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Die neue MC 85 Grabenwalze (Mehrzweckverdichter) / The new MC 85 Trench roller (Mulitpurpose compactor)

MC 85 Trench roller / Grabenwalze

Diesel particulate filter - DPF

The new diesel particulate filters from Hatz 


Diesel emissions consist in particular of diesel soot particles as well as carbon and nitrogen oxides. These substances have been proven to be harmful to health. Compaction work in enclosed spaces or more than shoulder-deep trenches are not permitted. This is where Hatz's E1 DPF technology comes into operation.

The diesel particulate filter (DPF) reduces particulate emissions far beyond the environmental protection requirements in Germany and Europe. The system filters more than 95% of soot particles.  

Your advantage:

Flexible and universal application

Machines with DPF can also be used in partially or completely closed work areas (e.g. in deep trenches or halls).

Compliance with health and safety standards

No respiratory protection or ventilation measures necessary. This improves working conditions, saves costs and helps to protect the environment.

​​​​​​​The diesel particulate filter is currently available exclusively in the soil compactors CR 6 WSA DPF - CR 9 WSA DPF from Weber MT.

> More information (Flyer from Hatz - only available in German language) 
